Quixote Translations

This page is for all the Authors who want to introduce themselves to the Italian public. We’ll putting absolute care in the translation and editing, to get a good product, and respecting the novel under author’s supervision. The genre is very popular here in Italy and even if until some time ago, it was a niche product, for a limited number of readers, today, the readers’ numbers are constantly growing.
If you want your book to be known and appreciated in our country, please contact us!
We believe that in order to get a good job done, the secret ingredient is: teamwork. We are a cohesive team, each with our own roles, but ready and willing to help our other colleagues when needed. We find that with our interchangeable fronts, we succeed in providing our Clients with a first class service, that we are proud to offer.
We pride ourselves on the execution of promoting books. This is our business and we know how to deliver! With years of experience behind us, we have developed a comprehensive package to promote your book. One of the key factors in promoting books, is maintaining readers interest, answering their questions and having open discussions, if needed. We believe that maintaining visibility enhances the success of the book.
If required, we can also organise Live Chats, Blog Tours, Contests and Giveaways, all aimed at maximising your book sales.
If a reader has any problems, especially with any download issues, we respond directly on our page as well as privately.
We deal with ARC copies for blogs, codified in order to prevent piracy.
In summing up, our aim is to maximise your sales and profile, through social media avenues and other sources.
We want your adventure into the Italian market, to be smooth and stress free, we don’t limit ourselves to just translations, we work with you step by step, lending you our guidance and experience to ensuring your success with your new book.